Tuesday, September 16, 2008

As If!

I just received this letter from Huntsman Cancer Institute:

Dear Kristy Merrill,

Thank you for obtaining your breast imaging at the University of Utah. We are pleased to inform you that the exam done on August 26, 2008 was normal.

Your breast images and report will be kept on file here as part of your permanent medical record and are available for your continuing care. Please be sure to inform any new physician or new mammography center of your medical record with us.

Remember that a negative mammogram does not exclude the possibility of breast disease. If you ever have a breast lump or anything else of concern to you during your self exam, you should not ignore it, regardless of the results of your mammogram. If you find a lump or other change, talk to your health care provider about it as soon as possible. Please keep in mind that good breast care involves a combination of three important steps: monthly breast self examination, an annual examination by a health care professional, and periodic mammograms.

The most recent mammography guidelines recommend yearly mammography beginning at age 40.

Thank you for allowing the University of Utah to help you in meeting your healthcare needs. We look forward to seeing you on your return visit.


The Comprehensive Breast Care Center

Hmm. I guess they didn't get the message that Kristy Merrill has breast cancer. Oops!

My doctor recommended that my sister, Nancy, just skip the mammogram and go straight to the MRI, since she is high risk. I was also considered high risk because of my family history, but my breasts are also "dense," they tell me, and my mammograms all looked perfect.

Still, it's nice to hear that one test was okay, even if it was just wrong!


Brent Hall said...

when you say "dense breasts" it make me think that your boobs are dumb.

Kristy said...

LOL! I didn't think of it that way. Maybe I should have said "fibrous" or "full." But dumb they are not.

Deb said...

Hi Kristy,

I'm coming out of blog stalking mode to say sorry about the breast cancer. I hope you get rid of it quickly.

Debbi Thayn

Kristy said...

Thank you, Debbi! I'm happy to know you're "here." I will now find yours and stalk, too. :-) Great to hear from you!

My Many Coloured Days said...

That is horrible and completely annoying, I'm sure. You should return it with a "no thank you" card.

Leisha Mareth said...

Heh-heh, dumb breasts. That made me laugh. I watched Christina Applegate on Oprah yesterday. I never watch Oprah, but I caught the re-run and thought of my brave little Kristy going through the same thing. As Christina (double mastectomy patient) said "they can really make pretty boobies nowadays" and it almost made me a little jealous.